MikTeX Bermasalah Setelah melakukan UPDATE Tanggal 22 Mei 2014
Pagi ini saya mencoba melakukan update paket MikTeX untuk mendukung dokumen dengan ekstensi terbaru namun belum sampai selesai, ada pesan error. Kemudian saya melakukan compile dokumen untuk menyakinkan apakah program Miktex berjalan atau Tidak ?
Saya kaget file.tex tidak dapat dicompile muncul pesan
The `.tmp` file could not be parsed.
Selanjutnya, saya cari solusi di internet, ketemu jawaban ini :
1. Buka file MikTeX Anda
2. c:\ProgramFiles/MikTeX 2.9/tpm/packages
3. Cari file bernama pstool.tpm
4. Buka dengan menggunakan notepad
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
<rdf:Description about="http://www.miktex.org/packages/pstool">
Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX.</TPM:Title><TPM:Version>1.5c</TPM:Version>
The package works in the same sort of way as pst-pdf,
but it also processes the PostScript graphics with psfrag to add labels
within the graphic, before conversion.
Thus the bundle replaces two steps of an ordinary workflow.
(Naturally, the package requires that \write 18 is enabled.)
Pstool ensures that each version of each graphic is compiled once only
(the graphic is (re-)compiled only if it has changed since the previous
compilation of the document). This drastically speeds up the running of
the package in the typical case (though the first run of any document is
inevitably just as slow as with any similar package).
</TPM:Description><TPM:RunFiles size="20032">texmf\tex\latex\pstool\pstool.sty
</TPM:RunFiles><TPM:DocFiles size="477816">
texmf\doc\latex\pstool\example-pstool.tex texmf\doc\latex\pstool\example.tex texmf
\doc\latex\pstool\macros.tex texmf\doc\latex\pstool\pstool.pdf texmf\doc\latex
\pstool\README texmf\doc\latex\pstool\subdir\trial2-psfrag.eps texmf\doc\latex
\pstool\subdir\trial2-psfrag.tex texmf\doc\latex\pstool\trial.eps texmf\doc\latex
\pstool\trial.tex texmf\doc\latex\pstool\trial2.eps texmf
\doc\latex\pstool\trial2.tex</TPM:DocFiles><TPM:SourceFiles size="14554">texmf
</TPM:MD5><TPM:CTAN path="/macros/latex/contrib/pstool"/>
<TPM:Copyright owner="Will Robertson & Zebb Prime" year="2008-2013"/>
<TPM:License type="lppl"/></rdf:Description></rdf:RDF>
5. Hapus tanda & kemudian simpan dengan nama file yang sama dan ditempat yang sama.
Untuk melakukan updatetan saat ini belum tersedia menunggu perbaikan pada pstool.tpm
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